Requirements for the ground
RGB Arena can be built to on has hard surface with up to 60 cm height difference. If it is necessary to build the structure on a location that does not comply to these requirements, a special scaffolding base needs to be built.
For attaching arena firmly to the ground, earth anchors need to be used. Each base plate of the structure is fixed with several one meter long earth anchors. When installed according to the requirements, arena will be safe to use with wind speeds reaching 100 km/h.
Set-up and dismantle procedures 

Special lifting equipment is required for building and dismantling the structure. Erection of full sized arena takes four days. Three days are needed for dismantle. Installation team consists of 8 workers and 2 supervisors.
Installation process begins with measuring the square and defining exact position of the structure, followed by erection of the main structure. For this, forklifts and a crane are used. When the frame is complete, work starts with installation of the floor beams and modules, facade elements and doors. Finally roof covers and gable triangles will be put to place.